When asked what it would take to ensure an atomic bomb was not
smuggled into Washington, D.C., Dr. Robert Oppenheimer replied: “a
screwdriver”—to open every single suitcase in the city.
Nearly eight million shipping containers passed through the Port of
Los Angeles last year, making it the busiest seaport in the nation.
Accounting for what is inside these containers is no easy task. It
should be no surprise that authorities across the nation have been
unable to meet Congress’ 2006 mandate of screening each and every one of
them for nuclear and radiological material. Is such an endeavor
possible or even necessary? The answer is no.
Checking every shipping container entering American ports encumbers
commercial activity, places an unnecessary burden on ports authority,
and does little to deter terrorists and rogue states. A better policy
would be to pursue a suite of capabilities including further funding
technical nuclear forensics research, randomized spot checks of
containers to deter terrorists, and threats to hold states accountable
for the security of their nuclear arsenals and material.
The US does not need to screen every container that enters American
ports. It only needs to screen enough to create doubt in the minds of
terrorists that their efforts will be successful. Moreover, even if the
US were able to screen every shipping container—a dubious expectation—a
detonation aboard a ship in port before screening would still be
devastating. When considering weapons of such physical and psychological
destructive power, it does not much matter if a device explodes at port
in Long Beach or in a suitcase 20 miles away in downtown Los Angeles.
Commercial ports in other cities like New York and Seattle have
container terminals even closer to their urban cores.
Instead of trying to screen 100 percent of containers the US should
instead focus on developing its nuclear forensics capability. Nuclear
forensics, which is the analysis of unused nuclear or radiological
material or of post-detonation debris, allows authorities to identify
the origin of suspect material. Although much of the funding for nuclear
forensics is classified and widely dispersed, the latest budget request
for the Department of Homeland Security’s Domestic Nuclear Detection
Office, which oversees the National Technical Nuclear Forensics Center,
was over $327 million. Funding for NTNFC itself totaled nearly $25
million for fiscal year 2012. This represents only part of the federal
effort, which includes the Department of Defense, the Federal Bureau of
Investigation, the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, as well as the
national labs like Lawrence Livermore and Sandia.
Deterring collaboration between terrorists and proliferant
governments is relatively straight forward. To surmount the obstacles of
delivering a nuclear weapon through an American port, terrorists must
rely on states for material or weapons, acquiring them through theft,
purchase, or as gifts. Once a state provides terrorist groups with
nuclear material, that material is no longer in its control. Were a
detonation to take place on US soil or on that of a US ally, the United
States can use nuclear forensics to determine where the material came
from and respond in a devastating fashion against the state of origin.
This credible threat is enough to deter states from diverting material
to terrorist groups and coerce them to safeguard material from theft.
Even so, to a group like al-Qaeda that has demonstrated little
concern for the lives of its followers, nuclear forensics might not
matter much. This is the attitude that led to comprehensive container
screening in the first place—the belief that unlike states, terrorists
are irrational and incapable of being deterred.
However, the most competent and well-financed terrorists groups would
face difficulty in mustering the resources, expertise and facilities to
enrich nuclear material in meaningful quantities. Randomized spot
checks would create doubt that an attack using shipping containers would
succeed. Even if a terrorist group were to obtain nuclear material or a
weapon, it is unlikely that it would expend the vast resources required
to deliver it on such an uncertain operation. The uncertainty created
by spot checks in addition to the enormous technical and financial
obstacles a terrorist group faces would serve to deter.
Screening every shipping container that enters American ports is both
impractical and unnecessary. A better policy would be one that combines
nuclear forensics capability, randomized spot checks of containers, and
threats of retaliation upon states that do not adequately safeguard
their material or willingly give material to terrorist organizations.
Shipping is integral to the United States’ economic competitiveness and
demands a practical, effective policy for ensuring port security.
Deterring terrorists and preventing them from acquiring nuclear
materials from states is the best place to start.
This piece originally appeared in the blog of the Georgetown Journal of International Affairs on September 11, 2012.
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